A Resting Place for pastors and church leaders

About The Shepherd's Tent

TST is a resting place for pastors and church leaders. TST is a resting place for pastors and church leaders. TST is a resting place for pastors and church leaders. TST is a resting place for pastors and church leaders. TST is a resting place for pastors and church leaders.

TST is a resting place for pastors and church leaders. TST is a resting place for pastors and church leaders. TST is a resting place for pastors and church leaders. TST is a resting place for pastors and church leaders.

Mark Casto Branding Session
the Shepherd's Tent

This is who we are


We have been sent to Covington, GA to raise up a family of sons and daughters that will host the Presence of God extravagantly.


We have been sent as shepherds to open the door of reconciliation to God, teaching the world to respond to His favor.


To provide place for those who are exiting the systems of religion to find rest in the Presence of Jesus.


We are establishing a home where sons and daughters can find identity and authenticity in Christ alone.


We will proclaim the wonder of the gospel of the Kingdom and present to Jesus a generation innocent and blameless. This is the reward of His suffering!


Through hearing and obeying we believe a glorious family will emerge that Yahweh has entrusted us to father into the fullness of His plan for generations to come.

Our Leaders

Mark & Destani Casto


After many years of preaching the damning message of Pentecostal legalism, Mark encountered the love of God in December of 2015.

Since then he has made it his aim to share the love of Abba, proclaim the wonder of the Gospel, and equip the saints for this day of outpouring!

Invite Mark

Have Mark speak at your event or podcast about living in the realm of rest or just how to maintain a pure heart through it all.


Need rest from the hustle culture of American Christianity? Learn more about Mark's book, "The Shepherd's Tent: Embracing Rest In God Amid A Chaotic World."

Since then he has made it his aim to share the love of Abba, proclaim the wonder of the Gospel, and equip the saints for this day of outpouring!